Raised Bed Planter
Our Brief
The customer wanted to create more atmosphere on the terrace looking over the garden whilst integrating warm tropical wood bed planters on the existing tiles
The Result
We created 2 bed planters on the exact measures of the width of the terrace on both sides
The planters were built using best-in-class tropical wood for exterior projects, “Ipe” originating from Brazil
The joints were made with invisible domino’s fro outdoor use and angles were sawed in miter to fully streamline the shapes
The inside of the bed planters was finished with anti-root cloth and opening at the bottom to let the water evacuate
“Ik ben zo verheugd nu omringd te zijn door bloemen en planten op mijn terras in de prachtige Tofwood houten bakken vervaardigd uit hoogwaardig tropisch hardhout. Ik maak zeker en vast opnieuw gebruik van Tofwood voor mijn toekomstige houtprojecten.”